hey! i'm alesha (just allie is fine), 14 year-old trans girl, witch, and kinda cool person (i hope, lol). i'm into lots of stuff but my main passion is film (my favorite Director is david lynch btw!) and someday i think that i want to work in film too. i also really love music and at the moment i have been really enjoying aphex twin, death grips and björk. i also love videogames as well, although i don't play nearly as much as i used to i really like story-driven games and fromsoft games too. even though i don't watch much, tv is also something i enjoy and my favorite series are twin Peaks, bojack horseman and succession. on the topic of media and stuff, i need to read more so feel free to recommend any books that you'd think i'd enjoy.

below are some of my favourite albums and films, if you wanna get2kno what im about and stuff

here are some of my links if you wanna find me somewhere else: Letterboxd RateYourMusic Last.fm Serializd

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